We need 

a home.

For over a decade, Saviour of the Nations has shared the message of Jesus with a diverse community, reaching individuals who have never heard the Gospel before.

Our rented worship space was sold, and in Vancouver's high-cost environment, finding a new location is extremely difficult. We don’t have a long-term lease and we need your help to secure our future.


Our building is lost, but our hope is not.

Unfortunately, the deal to purchase our old building together with a Baptist church has fallen apart. The Baptists informed us that they were going to push us out of the deal, accusing us of “false doctrine” on the teaching of Baptism. However, we believe this was just a pretext as they later offered to lease to us. Over the course of the past few weeks, we tried to salvage the deal.

We are disappointed that after all that work, the Lord did not hold that door open for us. However, a number of blessings have come out of it. Our congregation has been growing closer through all this; for example, our attendance in June has been the highest ever. We have seen many new people step up to get involved and we have gained new influential contacts in the community who have been helpful to our cause.



building image

We are pivoting to purchasing a storefront worship space. We already have a lead on a promising commercial unit being built in a fantastic location.

We have a lot of homework to do to achieve this goal. We will be working with our mission board on all the necessary approvals and seek advice on next steps, and we hope to have some exciting news to share later this summer. 

We need your generosity to meet our new fundraising goal of $2.8M, to own a space of our own. Your donation will help ensure that Saviour of the Nations can continue its mission in Vancouver, providing a stable home for worship and community growth.